SaffeK – LOUD

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time. Time for honesty, untamed energy, and an ingredient that will instantly add kickass to your day.

The new release of Israeli alt-rock band SaffeK delivers exactly that. In a slow-paced environment, guitars along a saturated bass and a fat drumset build that wise and ever-knowing atmosphere that is used perfectly by the vocals. Every element in “LOUD” oozes this signature energy that is the essence of the band, and the video manages to capture this vibrant core in a stunning way. Screaming the pain of a person that reveals every inch of his soul on his way to fulfillment and recognition, the tune uses the desperation and agony at hand to build a unique level of drive that can be felt on all levels. And it’s exactly this drive, this raw and fierce output of emotion, that makes this track so irresistible. The most important aspect is this: SaffeK doesn’t play an act. They deliver what and who they are.

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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