Qwiet Type – I Want More

There’s a really amazing playful vibe present in the new release of Florida-based songwriter and entertainer Matt Powell, better known as Qwiet Type. You gotta love the atmosphere of the tune. Consisting of both innocent minimal sparkling elements as well as enigmatic dark melodies, “I Want More” creates a very special place in space and time, acting like a matured being that always kept the secret of being young.

While the single elements do their thing in a very releaxed setting, the vocals are exploring the atmosphere in a calm and self-determined way. Due to this slow concept, the track sets up its own set of rules as it evolves. And that’s my absolute favourite part of it, this quirky and fun spark is set out there to grow into something bigger over time. While there are more complex structures added, like harmonies, distorted chord progessions, vocal chops, or even the message of the song itself, the tune proves that it can hold its ground against the musical landscape out there by creating its own time and space.

Find out more about Qwiet Type here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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