Yan Springett – Awakening

With a very fine sense of detailed emotion, this track of German composer and pianist Yan Springett feels like a chapter taken out of a book called ‘Life’. Within those couple of minutes, there’s a carefully designed main theme happening, translating both a certain fragility and a shy confidence. The piano creates an atmosphere that feels pure, with a melody that has a very innocent approach.

And it’s this feelable approach that fascinates me in “Awakening”. The track itself defines a special kind of emotion for me. It feels like the beginning of a journey. Not knowing what lies behind every other corner, the track transmits the confidence and the urge for embarking, but also contains the knowledge that whatever happens, happens, no matter if good or bad. This kind of ’embracing the future no matter what-vibe’ isn’t created easily, there’s a certain balance between vulnerability and confidence which is held perfectly by the artist.

When it comes to transmitting soft and dreamy atmospheric tunes, Springett knows exactly how to do that. This understanding and gentle approach connected to this track can be found in many of his other works. It’s one of the signature styles, and his secret weapon so to speak. In a world that is literally flooded with noise and soulless tunes, the tracks of Springett are shining beacons of passion, soul and emotion.

Find out more about Yan Springett here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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