Catself – A New Green
If you have a moment or two, sit down right here. Relax. Breathe. Good. Now, let me show you the world of the Finland based multitalent Catself.
With a lightweight combination of handmade music and a playful vocal setting, the newest track of Catself invites you to close your eyes and just follow the music. For some reason, for me the song felt like sitting on a rocking chair, or better yet, a swing. The finnish musician has a certain way of expressing things within her music which is hard to describe, but then again – music is there to experience, not to analyze too much, isn’t it. So you got this “swing setting”, an intelligent combination of soft stringy instruments, and you can alomst imagine the singer delivering the music in that fashion as well. I really am stunned about the honest appearance of Catself’s music. Nothing seems to be constructed or planned, it’s just there. I know that creating a track like this takes time and work, but it feels like she just does that without even thinking about it. Her native accent doesn’t hurt that honest approach at all, because it makes the music even more believable.
Klicking through some of her other work, it stands out that she approaches music almost always with that playful, light and chilled key element in mind. Be it a more emotional piece like “A Shield” with awesome layered and doubled crystalline vocals, the edgy but brilliant visual approach on “Waiting Room” where she did a calm video with several participants (in it’s simple concept, this was done brilliant, and again – believable and honest) or the lightweight lyrics she did on the 2013 released “The Journey of All Perfect Creatures“, where she does some amazing lyrical weeby-deeby-dab flippy-tippy-flap magic – she always brings in what I like to call “catselfreflection”. I believe that she’s giving us listeners out there a tiny part of her soul when she is performing, and this also serves as a really great signature element of her songs.
Catself is a very skilled musician. She brings the needed professionalism to the table and is willing to sacrifice lots of her time to write, play, sing, mix, master, promote and tour with her music to bring it out there. And she does all of that with a smile on her face and an optimistic mindset. In a world flooded with mainstream music, she manages to be one of those lighthouses that guide listeners in the right direction. She uses everything in her musical toolbox, so to speak, to give back meaning and importance to nowadays’ music – and this is what makes her stand out as an artist.