Jane H. – Seashell

One word: goosebumps.

The new release of Birmingham based singer/songwriter Jane H. knows how to trigger emotions big time. Introduced by a soft and moody guitar, the stage is all set for these awesome vocals. There’s a soft yet intense base melancholy connected to the voice, making the track feel vulnerable and ultra-fragile. You want to hold your breath while listening because you don’t want to break the song. The special reverbed setting of the track builds an atmosphere that is backed perfectly by the attached official video. Everything in the song feels soft but meaningful. For me, the sound shows you how to not only see the negative things but also be patient enough to see everything grow into something good in the end. This both true for your surrounding and for yourself, because we as people do constantly change as well.

I also love the fact that the song evolves over the total running time. What starts vulnerable and almost hurt develops into an uplifting and positive tune that’s loaded with energy and passion. And believe me, to realize this concept in a single track takes time, work and the ability to feel what you are doing. That’s quite rare out there, folks.

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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