Luna Keller – She’s Not Good For Me

Some music out there is not only soul food, but it even goes a step further to be nothing less than therapy. And the latest release of German singer/songwriter Luna Keller is exactly this: therapy. And here’s why.

In “She’s Not Good For Me”, Keller reveals a very vulnerable side of her. With a fragile base perfectly emphasized by a soft and nurturing backing, the tune takes the art of transmitting feelings through music to another level. Revolving around the challenging process of fully accepting oneself, the track does two things – it shows an emotional aspect of the singer and at the same time, it gives the listener the opportunity to reflect on his/her own situation.

If you followed the blog over the last months or years, you probably have a good idea about my taste in music by now. The genre is not what moves the needle, it’s always whether or not a tune reaches out to me. It’s about the question: “Does the song make me feel something?” And although a tune doesn’t have to be loaded with emotions on such a high level as this one, there’s always a certain pivotal threshold to make me feel something. And boy, this tune doubles if not triples that threshold.

With unmatched honesty, the artist didn’t back down from handling a topic that many of us probably know too well. You can’t tell me that most of you didn’t ever in life struggle with wondering if you are good enough. Good enough for ourselves, and others. Wondering who we are and what we do in life. Asking ourselves the same questions over and over again as we grow older. In my opinion, self-acceptance is one of the hardest tasks in life. And here’s the point where the song gets ultra-accessible for me. I love the fact that I can see myself in between the lines and melodies. Certainly not just an everyday tune for driving to work, this track explores those questions and pictures the ongoing wrestle with your own shadows. And it does so not in just a sad melancholic way, no. For me there’s also a certain vibe present that I’d like to describe as “dawn”, it’s like an inner agreement to settle the topic. Acknowledging the darkness while embracing the light. Do you know why this tune can be felt all over the place? It’s simple – because this is nothing less than the soundtrack of one key aspect of life, folks.

Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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