Melanie Wehbe – Sugarcoat

I love the laser focused appeal of this tune. With a seemingly minimal and clean atmosphere, this up-tempo and playful break-up pop song is connected to a unique signature groove with an almost mystical pulsating drive. With clear and direct synth constructs along a straightforward rhythmic base, the track creates a modern and almost futuristic base which contains a special energy. There’s a certain “cold” vibe present, yet overall the tune feels loaded with clarity and confidence as well.

And then there are the vocals. I just love these vocals. Done in a somewhat carefree manner, they get a signature styled texture which I can only describe as an “emotional glow with robotic cosmetics” for now. While telling the message of the song, they are loaded with emotion and passion along an unmatched honesty. Also, while doing their thing, the vocals put it all out there, from logic to mad-driven emotions in a vast universe of emotional nuances.

And there you have it. In the end, it’s this perfect mix of calm and energetic textures along those flawless vocals that makes this track such an instant groove drug. Done in this signature futuretrolectro environment, “Sugarcoat” is designed to instantly stick to your head.

Find out more about Melanie Wehbe here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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