Quick Shots #11: Petter Carlsen

/ How are you holding up during this Covid mess? Are there any running music projects at the moment?
/ Petter Carlsen:
I’m okay, and things are pretty stable here at the moment. But there is a sense of uncertainty, more than ever. And where does it end up? It’s a little worrying. 
My musical projects are running at full speed. I’m releasing my 5th album; The Sum Of Every Shade in five days, and I’m very proud of it. I think it is a strong and exciting album. I just received the vinyls and they’re looking fab. I am also in a band called ‘Pil & Bue’, and we were in the studio last week, recording an album. Also, I am collaborating with Daniel Cardoso on an album. We just started the band ‘Northern Sout’h. So despite, or even because of the Coronavirus, I am creating more music than ever. A lot of ongoing projects.

/ On what did you spent the most money recently?
/ Petter Carlsen:
A wardrobe. Boring? Yes. But oh so necessary.

/ What are the top three items on your bucket list?
/ Petter Carlsen:
Good question! (laughs) Hmmm…
I hope to achieve making a living out of music in the future too.
Item No 2: visiting ‘Trasti & Trine’, a renowned restaurant a bit outside of Alta, together with my girl. 
No. 3 is a visiting Iceland.

Find out more about Petter Carlsen here:

‘Quick Shots’ is a series of random questions answered by reviewed artists.

Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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