LeihKauf – Soldat

Although this track ultimately releases all of its intensity and emotional power with its lyrical statements, it’s amazing how intense the new release of Berlin based Rapper LeihKauf feels even without the need of understanding the german lyrics. In these times, tracks like “Soldat” are important to set a spotlight on the roles of soldiers in any conflict, yet the tune has not been brought up just now with things escalating in Ukraine. The track is way older, with the idea being initially created back in 2006 it shows that in the end, it doesn’t matter which war or conflict, it always comes down to asking the same questions. It’s a matter of integrity, of humanity and making the right decisions.

I love the deep thoughts the track triggers. With the lyrics being translated by a deaf girl, while war scenes are happening all around, this picture is tattooed in your mind. It pictures the muted desperation like nothing else, while the intese vocals in this chaotic environment throwing everything relentlessly and unfiltered towards the listener. With a topic this big, the message HAS TO be transmitted with such a force in my opinion. LeihKauf knows how to use his words not only as a statement, but also as a weapon, or a white flag of peace at the same time. And this is exactly what makes “Soldat” so ultra-effective.

Find out more about Leihkauf here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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