SeineSation – Muse

Being an ode to the whiplash of emotions that assault you when you meet someone special, the new release of New York based singer/songwriter has a special ingredient that is very hard to pinpoint, but I’ll try it anyway.

There’s this special core honesty present through the almost minimal defensive backing elements and the crystalline vocals. While the music creates an intriguing atmosphere made of playful electro pop synth arpeggios and a relaxed sparkling rhythm set, the vocals fit into this scenery perfectly. With what I’d like to call “quirky curiosity”, those vocals transmit this youthful vibe that indicates both innocence, and a certain seen-it-all wisdom at the same time.

And overall, it’s exactly this special mixture of light and dark, of positivity and melancholy what makes “Muse” so special. The confusing emotional states when meeting someone special is pictured perfectly by those feelable highlights woven into that steady slow groove. Whoever had gone through this process before (and I am sure that most of us adults have) knows these feelings all too well. It’s not exactly a rollercoaster of emotions, it’s rather a maze of thoughts, vibes and decisions. And in my opinion, this track is the musical manifestation of this state.

Find out more about SeineSation here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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