Carina T – The End

It’s not a secret that Carina T puts it all in when creating music. She’s not just a skilled musician, she also gives away parts of heart and soul with every other track. And done in this honest matter, her music is so much more than just the sum of the used notes.

“The End” is no different from her previous tracks. On the contrary, once again the London based singer/songwriter isn’t afraid to take on serious topics that most out there would rather not discuss, or sing about. But there’s something about the human behind the artist that makes Carina T go way deeper than others. With a very soft and defensive approach, she acknowledges the situation that someone might have gotten him-/herself into, yet not without indicating that there’s something that can be done that will change everything. And this message is transmitted with a special uplifting vibe connected, yet it’s not the typical ‘hey ho-let’s go’ type of energy. It’s more like a shy evolution of thoughts and actions. One of the secret weapons of Carina T is the ability to connect with the listener, transmitting a great amount of calm emotional energy I’d like to describe as melancholy mixed with fragile optimism, that ultimately blends into evolving confidence.

While the video is directed as a tribute to women suffering from domestic violence, for me the essence of the song doesn’t just stick with this specific topic. (although the video puts the finger where it hurts big time, with an intensity of the pictures that makes me look down searching for words to be honest.) Yet the song relates to everyone out there who find themselves in a situation where a decision needs to be made. Where change is necessary. Or better yet, where change is inevitable.

Find out more about Carina T here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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