No Signal – tantrum

The new release of No Signal holds a couple of surprises. With a methodical base, the track contains a very dense and intense darkness that is lurking in the shadows, waiting patiently for the right (or wrong) moment to strike. You gotta love the intensity that once again is put out there by Colorado based multitalent Riley Schmelzer aka No Signal.

Taking its time, the track follows a intensity curve straight uphill, an as tension rises, there’s an intense energy build-up feelable that finally erupts in an uncontrolled untamed aggressive… well, tantrum. It’s not unstructured rage though, there’s more to it. It’s kind of hard to describe, it feels like you see the storm coming, and while there’s nothing you could do to avoid it, you can take measures to minimize the damage or threat. In a way, that’s what the track does in my opinion. The build-up indicates that it was already too late to stop what’s coming when you heard the first notes.

And this is what makes “tantrum” so damn effective. It’s this unreal amount of emotional intensity, wrapped into dark melodies and an atmosphere that perfectly pictures the fight with your demons. You feel it too, don’t you.

Find out more about No Signal here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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