tomi – Titania

This piano ballad tells a story so wholesome that you will need the proper time and space for it. You’re waiting at the train station? Don’t listen. You’re working out right now? Nah, search for something else for that. You’re sitting at home, at your favourite spot, watching the sun go down and the last birds flying by? Perfect. Headphones on.

“Titania” has a very emotional and melancholic slow approach. In a huge lost setting, the track takes its time to tell its story in a mind-altering way. With ultra-slow passages and a feelable heavyhearted undertone, the melodies create an atmosphere which is done very careful and defensive, yet it also contains a certain confident “I’m on-my-own”-vibe, that stands out during the whole track. Feeling lost and lonely, the tune always has a strong flavor attached as well. As far as I interpret it, it’s the song of the soul that was left behind.

Being crafted around the character of Titania from ”Midsummer night’s dream” by William Shakespeare, this tune contains a stunning blend of characteristic attributes, from broken and fragile to decisive and positive and every nuance in between. Yet the listener has to dive into the sound in the proper setting. This, ladies and gentlemen, is soulfood par excellence. The theme invites you to slow down, to breathe, and to reflect on whatever might wander in your mind. In this hectic world overloaded by impressions, we need those isles of recreation for our soul.

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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