Rosalie – There Used To Be Four

They say life itself writes the best stories. In my opinion life also writes the best music. The new release of American singer/songwriter Rosalie is a perfect example of this statement. Revolving around the topic of loss and grief, this track connects to the listener on several levels.

There’s this fragile widespaced atmosphere that feels like fading memories, and like a lonely void at parts. There are these audio snippets taken from old family recordings. And there is the voice of Rosalie, which has a signature undertone. The vocals are just soaked in honesty, the voice contains a special element I’d describe as ‘acknowledging the grief’, while at the same time the singer knows exactly how to transmit a certain thankfulness and a distinct wisdom.

It is exactly this jaw-dropping authenticity that makes ‘There Used To Be Four’ so unique. You won’t find ‘just’ melancholy or ‘just’ sadness in here. The song blends different emotions that cannot be just transmitted like hitting the right notes. You gotta live through these emotions to be able to transmit them. With the audio snippets fading like memories in the back, this track almost brought me to tears because of its ultra-sincere approach. This is a carefully crafted goodbye, and its a friendly hand on the shoulder of all of us who lost someone.

Find out more about Rosalie here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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