Calum Lamond’s Portrait – I Remember

I don’t know…there’s something familiar to this track. While I listened to it, it felt comfortable, like finally stepping through the door when arriving home after a long trip. This is one of many great aspects of  “I Remember” by Calum Lamond’s Portrait.

I think what I like most about the newest track of the Scottish artist is the honest approach. You won’t find ultra-correct quantized notes here, and you won’t hear the vocals being processed with autotune or any other pitch correction. Its just a defensive backing tracks set, a guitar and some vintage processed vocals (this slight distortion is an awesome signature move, by the way). These vocals are done in a very lightweight yet emotive fashion. Combined with some notes not hitted spot-on, all of this makes the sound really believable. I don’t know, let’s call it… “guy-next-door-ish”. Listening to him singing on “I Remember”, you can actually imagine Lamond standing next to the barbecue grill on a sunday evening, all of a sudden singing some tune while waiting for the steak to be finished. At least that’s how I imagine the scenery. (Great. NOW I want a steak.)

I like the fact that he seems to already have found his own signature sound. This signature sound can also be found in “Humble (Than A Hero)” which is also available on soundcloud. Also, Lamond seems to have several projects as a musician, so even HE probably doesn’t know what’s next. I think this defines a heart&soul artist, dividing him from a money&fame type of artist. No matter what, lets do it – why not? As long as it’s something creative and productive. I’m curious about what’ll be his next move, but I’m sure it’ll be something great.

“I Remember” will be released on all major platforms on October 10th.

Calum Lamond’s Portrait on soundcloud
Calum Lamond’s Portrait on spotify
Calum Lamond’s Portrait on youtube

Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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