Westrin & Mowry – Waking Up

This song isn’t ‘just’ music, it’s coming with a huge portion of honesty and a relatable core. Taken from the newly released album ‘Treasures’, this track of the American folk rock duo Brian Westrin and Peter Mowry does aim for your heart and soul.

Ever watched the sun rise in the early morning hours? The whole track feels like the first warm rays of sun reaching out from the horizon, bringing warmth and a peaceful feeling. You simply cannot stage this honesty.

With a slow and warm guitar backing, the vocals feel at home. The calm setting is chosen perfectly to make those vocals shine like a diamond. I love that although in this particular guitar/vocal setting there’s no margin for errors feeling-wise, the track hits the mark as if it was born for this. You can feel that the room is filled with soul, the track tells its story with an unmatched honesty. The vocals are hitting high and low notes over the hole scale, as if they wanted to prove they are as vulnerable as the listener.

Find out more about Westrin & Mowry here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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