Limón Limón – Away

This one brings a positive, warm and lightweight flavor into your living room. During these cold and dark days, the new release of Limón Limón manages to present some much needed summerish coastal vibes. Check the percussive elements in there, those claps make you move, the shaker feels floaty and danceable – and the rest is done by the seductive flute melodies and the other instruments, making the tune feel like one of these awesome street performer bands passing by on a hot summer day beachside. Seriously, hand me a cocktail, and I’ll start dancing with naked feet in the snow, pretending it’s not snow but sand under my toes. (I don’t care if this will end in the ER…will be totally worth it.)

Once again, the sound of the two Los Angeles based multitalents feels authentic, well-rounded and relatable. In ‘Away’ there’s a perfect balance between melody, rhythm and human warmth present, making the tune a perfect sound to put on repeat all year long.

Find out more about Limón Limón here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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