Michael Malcolm, Leems – Without You

This tune combines the best of both worlds. In between groove and melancholy, in between melody and emotion, the first release of Michael Malcolm and Leems is really promising. While a steady and calm beat along a melodic synth and guitar tune sets the pace and atmosphere for ‘Without You’, it’s the vocals that are stealing the show here. The sung vocals contain an intriguing lush style, while the rap parts feel ultra-honest due to the down-to-earth nature they’re done in.

This tune really hits the mark regarding emotion. But even if you don’t look at the feelings involved, this track is golden. The tune contains a catchy chorus part that will stick to your brain immediately, plus with the track not being filled up with extras, it keeps that certain ‘minimal’ vibe which adds even more honesty to the tune. Long story short: this track makes you feel something, it makes you move, it makes you sing along – what else are you looking for in a tune?

Find out more about Michael Malcolm here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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