Sean Patton – Memory Parlour

The opening tune of the album ‘A Gentle Art of Sitting and Forgetting’ invites the listener to take a break. So sit down, relax, and let the music have an effect on you. With information flooding your living room all day long – mostly negative news, that is – this tune of Canadian composer Sean Patton gives you the opportunity to catch your breath, and to free your mind to other points of view in the process.

But be warned, guys, this is not your everyday happy tune we’re talking about. For me, this slow melodic piano piece is an opportunity to reflect on all the things happening in my life. To look out of the window while evaluating my life and everything happening in it. The sound feels like a friend embracing me, asking all the big questions that need to be asked for a long time now. The whole album was written by Patton as a gift to his mother during her battle with cancer, and maybe it was this serious situation that brought the best out of Patton as a musician. As painful as it is, it’s life itself in all its variants and obstacles, that bring out the most beautiful and touching tunes in artists, and we all are gifted to be handed this work, because it’s nothing less than pieces of the heart and soul of Patton. Don’t forget that this is very personal, folks. And this is why ‘Memory Parlour’ hits with this unfiltered intensity.

Find out more about Sean Patton here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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