Spencer William – Villain

A statement never sounded more playful.

Seriously, I love these melodic synth arpeggios happening in the new release of multitalent Spencer William. Creating a quite melancholic, dark atmosphere with a very confident twist, they are one of the major things drawing me towards this tune.

Listen to this. This tune feels melodic, energetic, confident, and above all, positive. You’d expect a very sad, melancholic tune handling this topic, but on the contrary, William somehow managed to make this a sing along song you want to sing way too loud in the car while stuck in traffic. You know me guys, I love when there’s something a song that is done different than it’s done in mainstream. And this bubbly almost chiptune-ish synth is paving the way for this new genre created by ‘Villain’. Now let’s name that genre. Hmm. I think this could be the first of hopefully many ‘melancholectro’ tracks out there.

Find out more about Spencer William here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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