Våke – Bølger

This tune speaks a universal language.

With all the handmade elements happening in there, the new release of Oslo based band Våke reaches out for the heart.

What caught my attention was the safe harbour vibe that the sound creates. With soft and melodic elements, the tune transmits a special lightweight kind of melancholy. The tune never feels pressing or dominant, on the contrary. It tries to deliver its message in a calm and emotional way. The vocals are done so fragile at parts that you’re holding your breath to not break them, when at other parts they feel distinct but still warm and sympathetic. The whole atmosphere that’s built by the single elements and the vocals feels really… ‘at home’ for me. This is a safe environment where not only thoughts but also feelings are exchanged. It’s something very special when someone is able to express feelings with music, and with ‘Bølger’ the guys of Våke did an outstanding job doing just that. And in case you wonder – no, I don’t understand a single word of the vocals. But in this rare case, it really doesn’t matter, because the tune speaks a universal language. It’s called ‘heart and soul’.

Find out more about Våke here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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