Lisa Spielmann – Einfachheit

Why not choose the easy way for a change?

The new song of german multitalent Lisa Spielmann song enchants with a very relaxed and easy going atmosphere. The used synths create a lightweight electronic atmosphere, the sound feels free and somewhat ‘floating’ through soft and warm melodic constructs long an ultra-laid back beat construct. The slow methodical groove adds a relaxed vibe.

I love the message of the song: if you look closely, you’ll find that there’s the hard way of dong things – and there’s the easy way. People tend to choose the hard way all the time, and if you actually think about it, this isn’t necessary most of the time. The song reflects the easy way with this floaty setting, these playful and relatable vocals, and the overall vibe it transmits. Even the video coming with the song manages to capture this easy style. We’re not bound to do anything, and most of the time we are blocking ourselves with the decisions we make. So why not choose the easy way? Why not opt out of the machine for a change? Lisa Spielmann shows you how easy this is.

Find out more about Lisa Spielmann here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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