DaS Neuwerk – Teil eines Ganzen

A song with substance, soul and meaning.

In an energetic fashion, the new release of german pop rock band DaS Neuwerk spreads this wake up call out there for anyone who didn’t get the big picture yet. From the first seconds on, there’s this uplifting and distinct vibe present in ‘Teil eines Ganzen’ that can be felt on all levels. With the lyrics being about the need to realize that we’re all part of something bigger, the music backing reflects this topic in an outstanding fashion. Driving guitars along an innovative rhythm set the tone and pace for this rockin’ reminder that it’s not about the individual but about us all in the end.

While the track is done well-rounded with a ultra-smooth mix and a consistent video attached, it’s the message that got me hooked. There are many snippets of the lyrics that are little short of being poetic shoutouts, I love when your mind gets confronted with things like ‘wenn das die Lösung ist, gib mein Problem zurück’ (‘if THIS is the solution, I want my problem back’). Things that make you actually think about the meaning. A door opener for using your brain, if you will. Thoughts woven into the tune that go deeper than the usual happy day song give this song substance, soul and meaning.

Find out more about DaS Neuwerk here:

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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