Sugar Parks – Strange World

Dim the lights – the new release of LA based singer/songwriter Sugar Parks grabs all of your attention anyway.

With a slow and methodical rhythm and an interesting sound surrounding, the track feels really cool. And I mean sunglasses-at-night cool. The vocals feel very sophisticated, from performance to processing. They shine with this edgy retro vibe, plus they are both lush and intense. You gotta love that vocal confidence, the singer knows exactly what to do when. Imagine this track performed live on stage in the right setting. Goosebumps.

With the backing, it’s the same. The single instruments all have their special signature glow to get a different type of soul in the tune. There’s this saturated Rickenbacker-ish bass paving the way, the exciting high pitched piano to take off some tension, and the wind elements to step on the pedal. I love the fact that there are vintage elements AND almost future pop/rock elements in there to find, this gives ‘Strange World’ a unique approach and a special sassy flavour, as if the track itself would be questioning any genre boundaries. Done in this fashion, the tune creates its own groove that calls for a new genre name. I guess we should name it… Sugarsoul.

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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