Sarpa Salpa – Forwards Backwards

It’s time to move’n’groove.

Okay, what do we have here? This new future pop release from Northampton’s alt-pop five piece Sarpa Salpa reaches out with a lightweight and versatile melody. The sound has these adorable retro elements in it which sprinkle that special disco glitter all over the place. The melodies feel light like a butterfly while the soft reverbed synths create a mystical cavern as a base for the tune. The rhythm and the melodies are present time-ish enough to let the track not slide into the retro category.

The vocals inject some energy in there, especially during the chorus parts there’s something released which I’d like to call ‘thrill element’. It’s a special kind of positive energy that makes you move. The balance between melodic backing and uplifting drive is pure gold in ‘Forwards Backwards’. There are a ton of elements added to round the track that aren’t vital for the track but make it feel oh-so well-rounded, so kudos to the producer as well, everything in the track feels right at home where it’s at. To put every single track exactly where it belongs is hard work, folks.

Long story short, guys – this track is an absolute mood-changer.

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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