JONES – Giving It Up

Style, soul, class – and loaded with irresistible groove.

There’s something very addictive attached to the new release of London based singer/songwriter JONES. I guess it’s this ultra-effective groove that is woven in there. With a playful and exciting synth backing happening during the intro, the track builds a solid crisp bassy environment that’s perfect for the vocals. There’s an innovative bass line along saturated and slapping rhythm tracks, giving the soulful and energetic vocals room to shine. When those vocals are harmonized, there’s a ton of emotion happening, without the (lets call ’em) ‘melancholic side effects’ happening. I love the track feels energetic, emotional and groovy at the same time.

‘Giving it up’ might as well be this years’ summer hit secret as far as I know. Everything in the tune feels warm, fresh and exciting, and the mix of the track is an absolute thing of beauty. Everything is exactly where it needs to be. This track has style, soul and class, and on top of that, it’s loaded with this irresistible groove that makes you move.

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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