Robot Nature – All These Machines

The newest release of LA based Robot Nature has a unique flavor to it. It’s not quite retro, it’s not pure electro, it’s not only pop… it’s something new. Let’s call the genre… ‘Robolectro’ for now, shall we. (Because lets be honest, ‘Robopop’ would make Peter Weller turn in his grave. Wait…he’s still alive? Oops. Sorry, Pete.)

I love the fact that there are many facettes merged into a whole great song here. You got those handmade drums, sparkling roomy melodic synths, soundscape base synths, reverbed piano chords, chiptune-ish effects, even electric violin tracks, and of course these awesome vocals that are mixed in a way that puts enough human feel away from them that they sound really future pop. The guys of Robot Nature put really much thought to the tracks concept, and the reason I’m pointing this out is because the regular listener tends to not pay attention to these nuances anymore. Keep in mind, any single tone in there was put there deliberately. It’s an art form to merge the single tracks together, and mix them in a way that the sound goes great with club PAs, closed headphones or (god forbid) earbuds.

“All These Machines” is a futuristic glimpse on the world which is still connected to the handmade analogue world. The seamless integration of electro and human played elements let this track shine like a diamond. There’s drive, there’s energy, and there’s this outworldish vibe, long story short: there’s everything in this track what you need to groove (and sing) along.

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Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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